Category - Random Muses

The UMBRO conspiracy theory

Wen Yen stomped around and subsequently left for home from my room as soon as the game was declared over, unable to stomach the fact that his favourite team lost by mere unluckiness. Later, we came up with several theories that may have been...

Statistical Satire

This is sooooooo funnyyyY!!! Here’s the deal: What do you get when you have a bunch of mathematicians trying to be stand-up comedians? Well this is what the Joint Mathematics & Computer Science class of 2007 has to say! · HAHAHA MJ...

Quirky Pahang

I’m such a great photographer mwahahahhaa!! Event: Labour Day Trip to Pahang! (coming soon to a blog near you) A sneak peak at KY doing a “Zen” Ky the perv with Sam, yet another perv 😛 Go to her blog if you want to read her...