Wen Yen stomped around and subsequently left for home from my room as soon as the game was declared over, unable to stomach the fact that his favourite team lost by mere unluckiness.
Later, we came up with several theories that may have been conspired, and we need not discuss the usual ones that can be found everywhere (ie Drogba purposely received a red card otherwise how do you explain that ridiculous incident with the throw-in). Instead, the truth probably comes closest to this one:
Wen Yen Wong:
i blame umbro
must be the umbro boots that are lousy
if terry wasn’t sponsored by umbro
he would have ben wearing mike or adidas boots
then he wouldn’t have slipped
Christopher Tock:
can i blog abt this so tht u dun boyucott my blog
Wen Yen Wong:
blog abt wat
Christopher Tock:
ur amazing theory
Wen Yen Wong:
no one else slipped
I rest my case.

goddamn umbro!
George Best pushed Terry at the last minute….
What kind of socks was he wearin’?
I personally feel it all a huge cover up.