Category - Raving Rants

Nido Pods: WTH!?

Seriously, have you ever heard of a bunch of students who converted their room into a shisha parlour, fully-equipped entertainment system with PS2, Nintendo DS and 2 TVs, with six controllers (for hardcore Winning Eleven or Pro-Evo freaks), a...

The Quicksand…

I feel the grounds beneath me quavering, with little tremors that get stronger in every passing minute… It feels like quicksand, and the more you struggle, the more you get sucked inside that endless bottom… That once sturdy ground...

PreExams Menstruation

Our dinners are really quite interesting, coming up with local delicacies found back home in Malaysia… These are just but few of our collection, there was a mix of Chinese and Indian style dishes as well! I had many, many dim sum sessions...