This post has nothing to do with the current time… In fact, this post is so backlagged that you may not even want to bother reading it. But I’ll post it anyway for the sake of updating!
Right. So in essence, to make life easier for you and me, it’s just going to be pictures and captions again. The rest of my time now is dedicated to being a full-time sleeping partner to Benji. Who’s Benji? You’ll find out soon enough. Otherwise I can be found trying to solve coded riddles in my pastime (I’m having one as my homework now. Go figure!)

Throughout the Malaysia Week many gathered at Covent Garden to see the selection of colourful booths set up around the area

Some were cultural booths. Most, though, sold items you could not get in UK like these drinks for example. 50pence = RM3.50 per can, what a RIPOFF!! Lol, I’m just joking π

This, however, is a sight to behold. Never will you get PURE Roti Canai in the land of Engrand… I was mesmerized by it, and so were the crowd gathered to watch the mamak do his thing! How could we resist not buying some to eat, you stutter?

Can anyone spot the reason?! Those guys from Awana reallly do know how to make their dough, don’t they? Nevertheless, you know us Malaysians wouldn’t be so foolhardy as to buy from them… or so we think!
What are they looking at?

Here we see a selection of crowd gathered to watch something amazing… Read more to find out!

The Malaysian Fashion Show

And this was why!! Ladies in our beautiful traditional garment graced the area with multicoloured fabrics in tradional designs

The guys didn’t fail to impress, either!

The Cultural Booths showed the machinery that is used to make the multicoloured fabric… Needless to say the people of London were stymied by the art of sewing back in our backward country =P

Just before I left I bumped into a normal scene in London: the Rollers making their way through the streets in a bid to gather and meet with peeps of the same interest. What do they do after that? I don’t know, use your imagination!
He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.
merdeka carnival next week π
Reminds me that I’ve not had roti canai for almost.. 2 years? Why doesn’t Milan have any Malaysian fest for the….. 2 or 3 malaysians there lol… so sad.
I think the rollers are rushing to get themselves some cheesy bananas with nuts!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! there i said it!! I dare you not to delete this nennenenenenenene
claudine: have fun taking pics!!
crysV: You haven’t eaten roti canai in 2 years?! By heavens, how on earth were you kept alive all this time?! lol… Eh, I don’t understand you, you childish woman =P
How come I didn’t know about this? I want roti canai!
I like the white,blue,pink baju that lady is wearing! π And the malay dude looks quite gaya! lol
I suddenly have a strange craving for nata de coco now. Oh no!
Joyce: i don’t know… u were underneath the coconut shell? hehe… gaya hor they all? at least didn’t memalukan our bangsa π
aiyo nata de coco can get anyway, go go go!
Hey i really liked this post very much!!!! π
Ashruffz: hey thanks for the compliments lol… makes me wanna be more patriotic and post more Malaysian stuff π