I must have met the spiciest Santarina in this world. Her name is none other than Peri Chick (or at least that’s what she call herself, lol) and what does she do? Eat Nando’s for a living, me thinks 😡
No I’m serious. The profile pic I found of her through this website says it all.
I’ve never seen a profile pic spicier than that!
Anyway, PERI CHICK ADDED ME ON FACEBOOK! (the true purpose of this post is to show off :p)
Haha. But I love sharing, so add her yeah 😀
And the first thing I saw was this poster on her profile pic:
Yes it may be in Sunway Pyramid, but still… FREE!
In any case the event sounds kind of fun, so in true sporting mode, imma gonna go for it!
All for the sake of this damn delicious looking plate of Nando’s chicken (btw I like mine Super Spicy, so I tambah a lot of sauce one :p)
EVENT DAY, Sat 6 March (12pm-2pm)
For the event, I suggest you go visit this page:Â http://www.perichick.com/2010/03/free-meal-vouchers/
Meet me at Sunway Pyramid, Converse Shop (new wing, blue atrium, LG2 floor, in case you’re a Sunway Pyramid n00b). Any later than 2pm and I think the event will be over. What to do, everybody wants a piece of Peri Chick :/
I hope the free meal vouchers will give me this. TOO YUMMY!
This pic was taken a loooong time ago hahahhaa. I love the sauces. Give me a sauce and I’ll give you a high five, no need to pay one :p
In any case, can’t wait for the 6th of March to join the fun, so I’ll see you when I see you 😉
Charity Plug
A gorgeous friend of mine, Elfie, is about to be auctioned off in public for the sake of the suffering people in Haiti (what a sacrifice! *shock**cough**shock*).
Save her from the hands of old perverted men by coming down to Laundry, The Curve RIGHT AFTER grabbing your free Nando’s meal voucher and bid not only to raise funds for the Band Aid for Haiti (all the proceeds will go to UNICEF and Mercy Malaysia), but also for Elfie’s services and ROI which will be listed after this lovely picture :p
So why should you bid for Elfie?
1. The highest bidder will get a present from Rip Curl
2. She will henna-paint your hand for free
3. She will teach you some German
4. She will teach you how to speak Sabahan (She never does this!!)
5. She will teach you a pole dancing trick (ooh la la!)
6. She will introduce you to her very hot dance instructor (somehow I think ppl don’t much care :p)
7. She will teach you how to roll a perfect cigarette (could be an invaluable skill ya know :x)
Okay that’s all she can offer you, were you expecting more? :p Just go to this event link for more details!
*I’m asked to change Elfie’s picture otherwise she’d pinch me, so this one will do. You likey? :p

omg chrissssssssss ur gonna scare people away with that pic of me omgggggggggggg /damn malu
wow…. i like picture of elfie….. 😉