Archive - July 2004

Gantz Partners

Whoaa… this is one of the anime that are worth looking for~~! And if you like even more gory details, wait till you feast your eyes on their manga, which I consider one of the most graphical manga ever!!! By the way, is it me or do Gantz...

Amazing Discovery!

Hlleo eevbrodyy! Tadoy I came aocrss an iertnntiesg ieda. I am pettry sure you have cmoe arcsos a rreecsah sitntag taht as lnog as you keep the oedrr of the fisrt and last lteter in the wrod you will slitl be albe to read the sentncee, and the...

Layout Updates

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can see, “Darkness” has intruded upon this once saintly website. How is this possible, I hear you ask? Well, things go awry, like everything else in the world, hence this is not an exception. Once upon a...