Tag - life

My 24th Swinging at Bar Club

I was afraid that my first 24th birthday in Malaysia after 4 years would be a dismal one, filled with lots of self-reflection instead of my usual crazy nights after nights of birthday celebrations in London back in those days. Man, those days...

Say Hi to Shitzoe & 2009!!

Everyone say HI to Shitzoe! She’s gonna take over the world one day, beginning with Port Dickson… Arrival at Port Dickson beach!   One of the most interesting objects found at PD   But nothing ever beats Shitzoe… and...


I remember. Never forgot. Sweet memories. It was well worth it. No regrets.   This is me. — As for you.   Don’t go back there.   There’s just too much to achieve right now. Brave it on!

It's 'Tocktober!!

Come one come all give your love to Tock! 😀 😀 😀   And then from Robb Chew‘s infemes We will, we will ROBB CHEW! now turns into: **************************** So we come to a weird conclusion:  WTH is going on here?!   Indeed we...