Category - Living Life

Red-eyed Boy

Recently I’ve been having red eyes, first the right and now the left. Funny thing is, it didn’t occur on both at the same time!! (It’s not as bad as the picture, but it spreads all over the pupil as well ^^;) Why? I...

Finally!! Sushi Buffet in Gili Gulu…...

Ahhh… Gili Gulu Japanese Restaurant, located near Aji Ajo Malaysian Cuisine Restaurant (which is our next target), boasts an offer of an complete set of Sushi Buffet for just 13 pounds. They were smart: they have applied some rules so...

Back and tougher than ever!

With my own host @, I’m back bigger than ever and will expand my skills infinitely!!! (If I have one, that is… Let’s just assume I do :p) Guess how much it cost….. 2.50 GBP for one year hehe.. Yeap...

Money cashed in… 675.00 GBP is mine to...

A quick summary since this month :: 1.   Applied for job as Cleaner in Beit Hall Hotel (3 star), got intervied and secured the job. Payment:: 4.50 GBP an hour + free accomodation! Hours worked up to now:: 19 hours. VAC Cleaner Job’s...