The challenges of social and digital analytics no longer revolve around a lack of data – quite the opposite is true today. With so many different internet service providers to sift through, how do you identify what’s best for your business and which tools will make that data ultra-usable? Because in the end… it’s all about utilities.
From my experience, as someone who is interested in both the social and digital business (as it relates to SocialGrooves) and how companies relate to the social media, I’ve culled through this topic and highlighted my experience with the use of TIME Business Internet and how it streamlined my company’s performance.
Well, we SocialGroovers, just took one giant step into the future. I had earlier announced that TIME Fibre Business Internet just got set up to SocialGrooves. TIME is the new ‘must-have’ in the current Asian telecommunication sector. Check the scoreboard, numbers don’t lie. It’s almost an unusual feat that TIME delivers such high-end performance.
A technology is invented, it spreads, a thousand flowers bloom, and then someone finds a way to own it. Pretty much what we, at SocialGrooves are looking at. Those in the know make a beeline for the fact that companies running on social and digital grounds need network connections to meet critical needs. You wouldn’t even have to be a good shot to think alike.
In a new office, I brainstormed the need for a much-needed makeover. Nearly everybody that time was on a basic broadband operating at 15Mbit/s on average, but with the growing demand we were approaching with the shoot in the size of files and videos we were streaming, we needed superfast broadband at a minimum of 30 Mbit/s; precisely why we turned to TIME.
Today’s small businesses rely on internet speed more than ever. Ever since we installed TIME, the experience has been, what we’d say in Bahasa Malaysia ‘menarik’. Just recently, TIME made a migration to a new plan. Backed by the highest speed, TIME has become an industry-recognized provider. How fortunate we were to be working with TIME, perfect timing to catch the new plans. Right up, the before/after plan we are currently on:
- 100MB file? Done and dusted in seconds
- Uploading a 2GB video to dropbox, no problem-O one minute also can gau tim
- Business calls on Skype without the lag and frozen screens. Previously unheard of.
- Having multiple workstations seamlessly connected with no interruptions? A value every business will appreciate.
You know what this meant for us? We could get that cherished streamed video up to our clientele, and it never felt so good. Our large and heavy files are no longer a lag we have to withstand. We can work super effectively. Not to mention, this means we won’t live in a “not-spot” where we are nipped out from the global grand future that will arise from this important caveat.
And yet, while we pay lip service to the idea of businesses putting their clients first, few companies truly put it into practice. TIME, on the other hand, has built their primary focus to accommodate the needs of multiple type end-users. Here’s how:
For companies just getting on their feet, the TIME Fibre Business Internet Basic, is just on time to save you on budget! At the same time, there is TIME Fibre Business Internet Plus for companies that have established a stronghold over the years in business. Learn the fundamentals on
Well, as soon as I got us signed up for TIME, what hit home was the realization of the goodies we got as extra <3. Thank you TIME. Don’t we love our free voice calls! Your upload and download rates get a surge for you to hop onto, isn’t that just great?
Looking into the digital future, companies need to know it is not just about thinking big, it is about the steps to go from small to big. Businesses now live or die based on their understanding of exponentials. Connectivity takes a big role in a matter such as this. If you don’t want to be the next Kodak or Blockbuster or conversely, if you want to be the next Amazon or Google, you need deep immersion in the wonderful world of TIME’s
Fibre Business Internet. Get the jump on and share the ride. We at SocialGrooves are excited to hear how it turns out for you !