So one day I always wondered why socks smell the way they do, whatever you do despite how “clean” you try to be. So I asked around about how this strange phenomenon came about.
Instead, I got a reply on how to “avoid” having stinky socks. Not sure if I need them, but in case you do, here ya go!
- Never wear covered shoes w/o socks.
- If you wear rubber covered shoes (ie disgusting crocs) that look weird with socks, then you have to wash them every time after a long day out with them. Stop buying crocs. They make feet stink.
- Buy shoe deodarants for your shoes. And foot deo for your feet. Scholl has some. After some time and my feet no longer stank this was no longer required. But in the beginning, spray deo helps. Daily.
- Till now, after wearing covered shoes, I always air them. If they smell, even a little, I wash them.
- Never re-wear socks. Ever.
- Even if they don’t smell, I make sure to wash my everyday slippers once every few months.
- Scrub your feet EVERYDAY with a pumice stone and nail scrub. I’m not kidding. Even though I have ugly feet, my pedicurists love my feet cos they know I take care of ’em.
- Initially, if feet stink extra bad, soak in hot water then scrub with pumice stone n nail brush.
The angel who sent me this followed ALL of the above steps for at least 1-2 years. After that she slowly dropped off the habits.
Now, she hardly scrub her feet, hardly wash her shoes.
She basically only need to make sure to at least rinse her feet with water everytime she step into any house.
If you’ve read this far, hope your stinky problems go away soon. >:-)