Hennessy NyX @ Vertigo, Gardens – First party of the year with awesome friends!

And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. First time meeting @GermaniPro of #likealousai fame and his friend Junn, they tagged along as my invitees as we travelled to a “Secret” location where the Hennessy NyX, the latest bottle fashion of the year, is to be launched. Of course, other blogger friends were all there too, and it was a first of reunions of sorts since the “incident” that happened last year… and I couldn’t be happier πŸ™‚

That’s Junn, not very sober, still conscious, but apparently she forgot how she conveniently put her heels into our shirts LOL!

Let’s just put it this way – I thoroughly enjoyed myself and let everything loose that day, something I wouldn’t have able to do the whole of last year. The liberating feeling got better with Hennessy mixed along with it, for sure! So let’s start from the beginning guys πŸ˜‰

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It all begin with a teaser at Midvalley East Wing, with pretty ladies all clad up in Lady Gaga outfit! Unfortunately we came a little too early and had to wait for our “tickets” to arrive πŸ˜›

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Of course they were there to introduce the latest bottle design for Hennessy, the NyX! And no, they don’t come with the ladies haha

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I loved how they design the teaser area.. So POSH! And as with all Hennessy events, there was the game counter where you can play Ninja Fruits, Hennessy-style, on their iPad to win a bottle πŸ˜‰

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Look who we saw! The ever beautiful Coco!

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Finally, we got the “ticket” to enter the “secret” place, and by then, they told us where it is going to be so there ain’t no secrets anymore innit? haha!

Of course what is a party without the chicks? Thanks Regina for coming to teman lonely mua πŸ˜‰ And

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boy you were gorgeous! Woo hoo!

Ps- the WHITE GLOVES are the TICKETS to the event! Yes you heard me right. Smart way to get people’s attention huh, since we had to walk from one end of the corner to Gardens wearing that glove. Brilliant move by Hennessy!

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This is what greeted us at the venue – TRON like ladies woohoo! Love the lights! It was damn amazing wei πŸ˜€

L-R: @LouiseXin, @Esther_N, Donovan Chan, @GermaniPro, Junn and @spinzer (pic credit to @theAgapeVox)

Meeting all the awesome people there totally made the night. Yes, there was great music, but more importantly, the crowd was too awesome <3

Other bloggers I met as well, awesome people! (pic credit to @zique)

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All in all I loved the party, music, Hennessy and the crowd, but wasn’t too happy with the overcrowded venue, nor the stopping of free flow barely after 10pm. This was as opposed to previous HA events, where free flow is non-stop until you’ve had enough! Ah nevermind that, most importantly, the launch signified a great start to the year πŸ˜€ See you guys next time!

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He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.

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