And the Oscar for the Longest delayed blog post of the year goes to… “The 83rd Academy Awards Revisited” by Spinzer!
Man… Gotta love the photo above (hope it didn’t sound TOO narcissistic) with the exception of a rounder face. Boo 🙁
Yeap, had the privilege to attend the live screening of the Oscars at the Golden Screen Cinemas, Pavilion. Made possible thanks to the good guys at Fox.
We were given the red carpet treatment. Everything felt so grand. Everything felt so exquisite. It definitely felt… exclusive too. Why? Cause everyone else had work on a Monday morning 😛
You know an event’s classy when you have spoons made out of forkscrew!
We were given a lavish breakfast before the start of the show, and I… well I made myself at home pretty comfortably 😉
Then the live screening started. I had a pretty good seat at the huge cinema room, and not complaining at all watching it live on the biggest screen ever!
Funny thing is that my friends and I were some of the few who laughed at ridiculous moments. Yeah, like the one above. Heh 😛
Gotta say though that this Oscars was pretty amazing, especially with special magical effects that relived the history… Wow!
And of course, there’s HER. Know who she is? Comment below!
Finally ended. Not with a bang. But with strong, connected hearts that sang of peace and glory 🙂
That’s my one and only dD and her friend from work!
The lovely Nina and dD 😀
Of course the boss Adrian himself! Read more about him at the Young Corporate Malaysian’s 23rd CEO Series 🙂
So this was my experience at the 83rd Academy Awards that happened on the 28th of February 2011. Yeap, a seriously overdued post indeed, and hence, the deserved award!!
ps- I'm going to Melbourne today, woo hoo!

wow!! awesome! 😀 The 1st pic looks great!! 😀 n safe journey to Melbourne! 😉
Thanks so much Caroline!! Want anything from Melbourne? 😀