While watching my sister Sandra Tock proudly sweeping the stage with her graduation robe, greeting the Chancellor of the University of London, it reminded me of my own experience in Royal Albert Hall 2 years ago.
It only really seemed like yesterday, the results of 4 years of hard, tough work throughout my tenure in Imperial College London, graduating with one of the hardest degrees referred to as the Joint Mathematics & Computer Science degree. A super satisfying challenge, I might add.
Yes, it was a really difficult journey. To think that without prior preparation, I would have easily flunked the exams would be a very true statement. Especially since I was very involved with the Imperial College Malaysian Society, the Overseas Club, the Anime Society and as well as being a Communication Director for the United Kingdom & EIRE Executive Council for Malaysian Students for 3 years in a row. Knowing how to juggle time time between skill sets, studying and organizing was certainly a must with the positions I was responsible for.
It’s times like these that I really count my blessings for having studied A-Levels, from where I truly understood how to MAKE TIME for all the above. Even with full dedication this feat is definitely possible, and until today, the life lessons I’ve learned just by attending college are relevant, thanks to the lecturers who guided me, the well organized programs created by the Dean and so on and so forth. Read my About me section for a glimpse of what I’ve been up to 😉
Come to think of it, Sandra Tock was also an amazing graduate, juggling between studies and her passion as a cheerleader… on a national basis, I might add! Being involved in CHARM was no small feat, as she is asked to train, judge, participate in competitions to represent Malaysia and more! Again, taking her A Levels in college is probably partly responsible for her training and making sure she doesn’t slack in any areas of her life.
Even so, we shouldn’t just go for ANY sort of education.
How are we supposed to identify reputable ones especially with all kinds of tertiary education programmes cropping up from nowhere?
This is why when I first heard about Taylor’s Pre-University courses, I told myself how useful this can be whenever I go about giving advice to students out there who look up to me, especially those who are very confused. After all, they provide internationally recognized Pre-U programmes like Cambridge A Levels, South Australian Matriculation, Canadian Pre-University and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme which are most likely choices for those who are sure which field they want to pursue, or want to keep their options open.
I also found out that they not only help students achieve academic excellence, but also provide workshops and talks to help them adapt to college life better and safer, including giving them a Personal Development Plan that will help them towards planning their path between studies and extracurricular activities. Overall, Pre-University courses give a holistic overall education, complete with skills needed to survive at university and for living independently.
How does this happen then, you say? Sounds too good to be true isn’t it? No, this is not something that can be done if left alone by yourself. They actually provide personal mentors as well, one for each student. This is very important, and also reminded me of my own personal tutor during my college and university days, as they were very, very important towards reaching my goals, always getting me back in the right direction whenever I sway and even helping me on the right path to enter Imperial College London, regarded as Top 3 in UK and Top 10 in the world! :p
Thanks, I will always be indebted to you, Margaret Cunningham 🙂
Do you want a friend like him? Nah, a confused Iranian in Japan lol!
Of course this doesn’t mean that the Taylor’s Pre-U programme just leaves you at the mercy of your teacher. They even include all kinds of academic, sporting as well as extracurricular support for you to take advantage of. (Sporting facilities are extremely important! Thanks to it I got to experience playing Hockey for Seremban district and got to know many friends :D). One example is the University Placement Centre that acts as advisors on applications to universities in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and more. From what I hear your classmates in Taylor’s would be coming from all over the world, and this will definitely help you to overcome cultural differences and who knows, you’d be making lots of international friends, like how it is with my Swedish friend Johan Nystrom and Sadegh Shahrbaf from Iran, both my long time great friends!
All in all what Pre-U education can do for you will be far more extensive than if you were to go ahead solo. If the academic and student support services were taken advantage of fully, I assure you that you are on your way to start ahead and stay ahead in your area of study and in life. Remember, most of the time your employers aren’t looking for just academic achievements. An additional responsibility factor as well as playing sports as a team member will allow you to show your competence in other skills necessary at work, like leadership and being a team player, for instance. For all this, an all-in-one reputable platform is needed and it’s great to know Taylor’s provides such a place for their students. Learn more about it via their website at http://www.taylors.edu.my/!
I know some of you would be skeptical, so there are actually success stories from those who completed the Pre-U programmes, find them here: http://www.taylors.edu.my/courses/pre_u/preu_landing.php?id=105. Though I would think that the crazy talented Taylorians I know will just leave a note here, since they are fiercely appreciative of their college. Yes, I’m talking about you, Jolene, Kar Ming, Su Zhen and Shannon Chow. Haha 🙂
So wouldn’t you want to be prepared with the knowledge and and skills you need so that you’ll enter the University of your dream and have great time there? Wouldn’t you want to be sure that you’re fully prepared for the world out there, especially when you’re set to leave your home in Malaysia ? Be wise, let Taylor’s Pre-U course be your starting point. Once you’re there, you can be sure that they will do their best to guide you to your success, because it will be a part of their success as well!

@spinzer OMG…..how much did they pay you? XD
Thanks for the mention Chris 🙂
Special congratulations to your sis Sandra 🙂
Congrats to your sis again =)
.-= uLi´s last blog ..My New Garmin nüvi 255W =-.
Thanks! She’s really happy 😀
sandra is hots!
like me :p
sounds like an ad to me.. haha..
and yeah, imperial college is a cool one. the malaysian society there is pretty good with their malaysian night as always! =)
.-= kenwooi´s last blog ..How To Be Famous Blogger Like Kenny Sia =-.
Haha you even know about that! Yes… I love my alma mater 🙂
ehhhhhhhhh i didn’t know that sandra tock is your sister all this while!!! lol
didn’t know you knew her too!
she looked awesome pretty, not as much like Chris! lol! jokingly!
Chehhhh! Ok la I admit it :p
Sandra is your sister?!?! I’ve known her since primary school and we were classmates in highschool! Same transport some more! Such a small world hahaha
.-= michellezyenn´s last blog ..I’m Going To The Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair! =-.
Are you freaking serious?! Same year isit? Damn I feel old :p
Yes! Same year! Been in the same class for few years =D
.-= michellezyenn´s last blog ..I’m Going To The Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair! =-.