A few months back Windows 7 was about to be launched officially to the retail market, and they made sure they did it with a bang! That is, when I say “bang”, I really meant the kind with nice booth design, partners flaunting Win 7 compatibility, staff walking around in cool Windows 7 shirts and a lot more!
Jeffro was here too to teman me. Or rather, he was here on Shaz’s behalf, more like :p
As you can see there are balloons depicting the all famous Microsoft Windows logo, and the black billboard featuring Windows 7 brand name looks uberly cool. I have that shirt with me too now :p
It looks like this, but it’s black in colour. I tell you, it’s damn yeng lor 😉
Oh we also got these cupcakes. Cute eh?
Jeffro can’t wait to eat it :p
See what I said about showing off? Now, I would WANT a piece of this amazing machinery! 😉
Windows 7 comes in many packages, as you would have noticed if you were a long time Microsoft user. Pick and choose.
The booths seen from above at Low Yat… So classy eh?
Well I’ve already got my copy of Windows 7. It’s DEATH to VISTA! hahaha… So, what are you waiting for?
Oh wait…
Lost to Jeffro, who’s got something even better; a copy of Windows 7 and a chick to go along with it 😉

Win 7 rocks! Been using the ultimate edition for 7 months and still kickin ….. recommended to use 😀
I so want to try the Windows 7 Shake function lol
What the hell is that hahaha!
Well let’s say u have multiple windows opened and u want one window to be the main 1 and minimize the others. You click and hold the main window then use ur mouse to shake the window quickly and all the other windows will be minimized.
.-= Simon Seow´s last blog ..Lin Heung Tea House (蓮香樓), Central District, Hong Kong =-.
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