[Sauce: http://gizmodo.com]
Apparently it should have been called the iPhone 3GV instead. Recording and editing videos on it is simply fast and easy, and the one-click video uploading to YouTube is going to make this the best instant Video Capturing device to cover events that we’d normally use Twitter for (think live status updates, then live picture uploads and now live video uploading!)
part of all, the quality is really awesome because it’s optimized, and the size small enough to fully utilize the 3G connection. The internal hardware is also made to make this capability as efficient as possible!
So that’s why it should REALLY be called the iPhone 3GV, and that is why I can’t wait to have one in my hands despite all the complaints its receiving 😉

Wow! This could really come in handy. What’s the price on this though?
.-= The Envoy´s last blog ..Work Tips, Japanese Style! =-.
buy buy buy!
.-= KY´s last blog ..Blackberry is the new .. black! =-.
I am going to get 1 too …. 😀
.-= email2me´s last blog ..Yishensu Klang – A Meatless Banquet Experience =-.
same here! how much is it?
Everyone wants it…
.-= ck lam´s last blog ..Food Trail in Muar, Johor =-.
I think it is a wonderful tool for live video capture as you say, and its powerful hardware just makes short work of the compression computations. It really shows how far smartphones’ ARM computers have come.
One of these is on my wishlist, it’s the SIM lock on it that’s breaking the deal for me right now. :-/
not naked but looks like post mortem
.-= Myhorng´s last blog ..Eats in PJ – The Lobsterman @ SS2 =-.