now this is what I call ‘live’ blogging.
Sent from my iPhone
Posted via email from spinzer’s preposterousness
Wanna say something?

now this is what I call ‘live’ blogging.
Sent from my iPhone
Posted via email from spinzer’s preposterousness
wow cool
what kind of online game is that
you really become a blogging monster/mashine 😀
and i like it 😉
it’s called iMob and i play it on my iphone haha… like, constantly!
iMob because of iPhone ???
really clever… *nods*
wicked cool!!
actually wordpress already allows you to blog via e-mail doesn’t it? o_o Not sure about attaching pics and whatnot though.
exactly, it can’t do that. now THIS can! and even more too, from pictures to music to video to documents (oh did i say that you can upload ANY video format ie from phone and it will STILL play?!)
so ftw. but only in this aspect, WP is my fav machine!