What an awesome boxing day!

It was really an unforgettable Christmas moment for me. What looked like a doomed and depressed Christmas, no thanks to the fact that I’ve always celebrated Christmas in London and I fear how it’ll turn out back here in Malaysia, suddenly turned around into a magical journey through the pain that I was expecting to happen, the loneliness that was there, and yet, dissipated thanks to the company I was with.

It all started out with KY’s Christmas Eve party. As you can read in the post below, I had quite a hectic Christmas Eve schedule which I totally enjoyed. Here are some of the memorable moments that I could come up with from my camera:

Simon the caretaker *cough* feeding Zoe some Mango Juice which I’m sure is perfectly legal…


KY the host distributing booze by the mass (thanks to Tuborg and its representative, the coolest girl ever called Siao Ling!) to ST and KimCun among the few that were there.


Huai Bin the drunk and Cindy the tipsy raving it up lol! Little did he know he was to be the “hero” of the party lol


And how could I ever forget my baby Yee Hou, whom we shared a lovely chocolatey kiss in public with πŸ˜‰


From here on I’m stealing pictures from Facebook!

Mr Horny and myself! He’s awesome la hahahah, damn funny and wrecked havoc on the party with his theme for the Christmas Gift Exchange, “anything you can wear”. Now put 1 and 1 together and you can sort of guess what this means πŸ˜›


Some of the outcome of the party! Look at the orgy LOL! Oh and everyones gathered aroudn me I feeeeeeel soooo looooved <3 lol!



My GIFT!!! Isn’t it awesome?! HAhahahah comments please I know you all <3 me :P Especially my dear funny Firdy & awesome Chaychay, I <3 you guys.


If you guys wanna see more I suggest you take a look at all these people’s blogs who blogged about it:
KY the host of the party!
Suanie who got my gift, how very apt πŸ˜›
Huai Bin has been a veerryy naughty boy this Christmas, he needs to be spanked πŸ˜‰


But really, honestly, the real highlight of Christmas is Christmas itself, and I was really blessed to have the company of these people who made my day πŸ™‚

Thanks to Zoe we managed to get the recipe for the Eggnog, something that I take EVERY Christmas without FAIL! We even did a video on how we did this, but later la, now blog simple simple first hehe. This was the result of our hardwork, thanks to Ayman (my long time friend who never failed me, ever!), Yee Hou (my baby) and Zoe who never failed to cheer me up πŸ™‚


OUR GLASSES OF EGGNOG! Heck, even Yee Hou who was so scared to drink this loved it! Why was he scared?

Cause it was made out of raw eggs. Details later πŸ˜‰


The Christmas gang at my crib.


Thank you all of you, so much soooo much! You made my Christmas, and that is very important to me. Just like how Claudine made mine, but she never wants to admit it hehe. Love ya all!

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He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.

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