Just the other day I was feeling a tad bit melancholy. Fortunately, I’ve got a colleague (who I will refer to as Hamtaro) who’s the sweetest understanding person who never fails to slap me back into reality. What reality you say?
This reality. That there is so much food in this world that I have not tried yet, so there’s no way I can just lie down and forget the world to live in my fantasies, but to get up all burning with passion again to earn money so that I can fly everywhere in the world to taste the greatest taste of all!
After all, there’s no greater love than the love for food *winks*
It would then have to start with something small, which would be the food court at Pavilion. That’s where I had the lasagna above. Which was pretty good by the way 🙂
She had these instead. Cute little fish medallions with shoe-string fries scattered all over. Guess it was more of the cutesy yummy then the orgasmic kind, but, you eat what you pay for, eh? hehe
We also decided to give this small little pizza-in-a-cone concept shop a visit… Japanese-oriented (along with international price, OUCH!!) I guess it was more of a gimic than an actual tasty treat.
ie NOT worth your money.
It’s pretty cute though, don’t you think? XD
I still feel melancholy at times, but seriously, I think I’ve got a whole lot of different views compared to others, and though many would not seem to understand me, I guess there’s an even bigger reason to show this world how I live through actions in my life, and less through words that could only portray a small piece of the all grand-stand plan that I have for the people of this world!
Ok a bit too dramatic hor? ahah… memang got people say I’m too dramatic, but ah, what’s a life without a little exaggeration, eh? 😉
Indeed there’s a lot to see, small miniscule responses that could mean a whole universe of meanings. All it takes is for one to be observant. All it takes is for one to not lose their naviety, so to speak, without sacrificing acknowledgement of the cruelty of this world of course.
All it takes is for one to continue hoping, and giving hope, to others so much so that they can in turn enjoy life as how it should have been, and I think I’m in a very blessed position to do so 🙂
Happy Deepavali my friends.
Eh wait. Christmas is coming along already!
Did you see my beautiful tree?

Eee….self shoot eh!!! The nails so dirty.
Anyway…nice Bokeh picture of the flower^^ YOu must have taken the picture last month LOL
This xmas tree is much better ^^
hitomi: wei dun look too closely at my nails can? haha… yeah these were last month, got too many post i haven’t blogged about!
oh and yes my xmas tree niceee 😀
Dy: say oredi lo, merry christmas la! hehe
haha…I cant help to spot them LOL
So so so…any present for me??