is the ONLY way every one of us will be allowed to make unbiased and decisive choice in what we want our country to be. Do away with the government. Do away with the opposition. I could not care less as politicians become all high strung trying to either save their own asses or show like they are heroes come to sweep you off your feet, stringing panic against panic to win favours of all kind.
I’ve had enough. I was lucky to be educated overseas and to start movements after movements to spread the awareness of knowing exactly what I want my beloved country to be. I want NATION BUILDING, not POLITICKING. I love Malaysia, and it hurts me as more and more of my fellow citizens complain and talk about leaving Malaysia with her many problems threatening to invertly consume itself.
It really does. hurt. a lot.
So here I am to call upon all of you out there. Malaysia is where we grew up. Embrace our fond memories and experience that none other than Malaysia can offer with our unique multicultural celebrations, spreading the amazing feeling of muhibahness between friends of all races. The hint of pride in me will never waiver, if not grow to a level that will shame those who claim they love Malaysia but claim nothing can be done about this and resort to migration.
This is because you can. Yes you can actually DO something. Anything. Hope! Pray! Never think it’s the end! Do not be afraid of failures after failures because with every failure comes a tiny breakthrough!
Failure is when you get nothing done. Failure is when you give up before even starting. TRYING. Failure will be the downfall of anything. And everything. Failure will be the death of hope, ideas, joy, wishes, dreams. Failure is doom.
Let’s not fail Malaysia. Let not our beloved country be held ransom by political situations that has been ravaging our landscape. Let us decide what we, the rakyat, want. Do that, by clicking on the link below and provide your name and IC number. There will be no voice in anonymity, however, there is nothing but pure strength in numbers of identified unity within our brothers and sisters of the nation!
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“At the end of the day, the best defender of non-Malay rights is a Malay, and the best defender of Malay rights is a non-Malay.“ – Nathaniel Tan (Malaysiakini source – as to how we, the rakyat, should be pro-active in dealing with Ahmad’s latest racial provoking without just leaving it in the hands of politicians)

really proud to read this blog posting of yrs. u are not the only hearing those “looks like we have to leave m’sia”. those people are just thinking of themselves. what about those who can’t leave?
keep it up bro cow.