Yesterday was a start of me to being part of an active informer, for what, you say?
Before I start going into more details, let me just say I still do not have any preferred party by choice. What am I talking about? Malaysia’s General Elections of 2008 of course! If you have no idea that the Parliament has been dissolved then can you please just drown yourself right now! (Unless you’re overseas la, cause if that’s the case, don’t need to drown, just put your limbs into the freezer and suffer from frost bite enough la)
So if I have no preferred party by choice, what do I do? I become a third party informant! Nomination day is today, whereby polling stations all around the country would present a list of their candidates confirmed to run in their own local stations. In a sense, this is when strategic battles and plans would be employed, not very much unlike football managers choosing the right players in specific positions to battle against players of the other side, making sure skills between the players are finely matched to ensure a balance fight. (now that’s a very cheong hei analogy, but a good one no?)
What can we do, then, to ensure a responsible voting mind is in every one of us when we make our choices? We make sure that you become an active, informed participant by the end of election period!
To be honest, my true goals match that of with the “Deny Barisan National A 2/3 Majority” project, which is obviously (mainly la) led by Oppositions (then again, now that the parliament is dissolved, who’s to say who’s the opposition or government? They say all is fair in a game of love, now I bring to you Malaysia Politics edition!) but of course, supported by many of us students who have had our eyes wide open with the circumstances that is happening right within our country!
With that said, let’s try not to get too serious because, after all, there are many bloggers out there who have already spoken on the serious side of the story. That’s not me, after all, I’m very “humor-ful” as my friends would suggest! Let me start with this website called Comedy Court, a very funny production group of two who displays their talents through videos filled with satyrical humor. Here’s one attached below, do watch and don’t forget to laugh cause it makes you younger, honest!

hahahaha wtf i like the lyrics. and the fella can sing quite well too.
i actually dont have a preferred party too.. but i agree wholeheartedly with the ‘deny BN 2/3 majority’. :p
wha what?? what??
AHHHH!! Frostbiteeeee… 😀
hey hey chris!
it was good bumping you into the other night. and omg, i just realised it was ringo with you when you guys walked away. i must’ve been really dazed. haha. tell her i said hi! are you back in uk yet btw?
p/s: i’m not voting because i am not registered yet. LOL!