Cheeso had one of those “I WANT TO MEME EVERYONE AGAIN” moment and I finally got the time to do something about it. (Mainly cause she did a step-by-step instructed post so I follow only lah!)
The problem was, though I considered myself a veteran, I didn’t know what she did in between those steps, and me being the lazy ass I am, I just… tried a shot… and this is what I got!!
Yes peeps, iDoll is now a thing of the past! I’ve accidently introduced the latest fad: iDogging. Using me and boss stewie as models, you can tell that cutesifying your face will not only make you the cutest thing ever, but maybe even earn you a few brownie points with the dogs of the opposite sex! That is, if you’re into that kind of thing =P
Last but not least, here’s a suprise for you…

Anyway i thought it was some other girl!!!6667778889991010101.
Geli la your iDog. Failo Finitto.
Hmm,were u guys get beaten or sumthing?Funny! 🙂
ipigged suits u best 😀
Ringo: u remembered where it came from lol… no nice meh? ur face too long la, kenot iDoggify properly haha!! Anyway, that’s your meme done =P
Ying Bin Sousa: Hiya! How u found this site? I dun remember commenting on Ringo’s blog =P the picture look like we’ve been beaten up hor lol… it’s a mix of pinching, bloating and burning!!
michy: you la, somemore have to add iCowed and iWoofed lol
lol u started moo-ing edi also lolz :p