There isn’t a day after my exams when I wasn’t filling my stomache with scrumptious and heavenly food! On the third day of Post-Exams Rayani had a cookout session, and how could I resist her infamous Ikan Bakar?! So apart from some UKEC work in the morning and afternoon, I found myself heading to her place at Edgware Road together with Khai and Zarif, thinking how would her place look like and of course, would my stomache be promised a gastronomical experience that night… let’s get the pictures to do the talking, shall we? *grin*

The three of us came an hour earlier to help out… KONON LA! hahaha.. Yani was just about to prepare…

This dish is called Pecal, an Indonesian dish. It contains Tau Fu Pok and Long Beans, topped with this special sauce made of Nuts, Lime and other assorted (hint: secret) ingredients!
Suffice to say, it was majorly yummylicious!

My favourite dish of all… Wait till you see the end result, and unless you’ve actually popped a piece of those lovethings into your mouth, you will never understand the heavenly expression I went through…

Of course, these went with the beef. Can’t you see they were beautifully cut?

The Star of the Show: What can I say? Look at the lovely, shiny skin, well chosen!

The Kitchen: what professionality, what neatness, truly, Rayani can only be the best housewife EVER ={P

I wanted to take a picture of the mirror. HoNeST!

Here’s Yani doing her thang!

Ikan Bakar is never complete without the complimentary bowl of chilli and sauce mmm…

The Stars all lined up, ready to be made into sizzling Ikan Bakars…

Tell me it doesn’t whet your appetite… heck, it’s not even cooked yet and I swear I wanted to take a huge bite off that fish!

While the Fish gets Grilled, I took a picture of her place… Can anyone dispute the loveliness of her abode, situated right at Edgware Road? I JELES!

And hence we kick off and digged in! There were about 12 around, all waiting with their salivas dripping out nonstop π

That’s Yani for you, constantly making sure we were fed, and provided everything from drinks to snacks and even rented DVDs… What a HOST!

Among the few people around, all enjoying themselves and filling up their stomaches with pure goodness.. Suffice to say I stayed back till late and tar-paued quite a lot of food for my lunch and dinner the day after =P
Man, just writing this post has gotten me all hungry-ed up! Toodloos, am gonna get myself some good dinner π Till my next post entry then, which will be on my trip to Birmingham… that’s FOOD and MORE POSING PICTURES with CHICKS *wink*
He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.
Must. . . Learn. . . How. . . To. . . COOK!!!
Is that a Canon I see you holding?
oh my god, I feel hungry already.. the food is so yummy and healthy!! btw, who’s Yani? your gf ya?? hey why blushing already… hahaha
haha, I’m sure you’ll be able to cook π Yes it’s a Canon, not mine though, it’s Yani’s! It just proves that it’s the photographer that is skillful, though the camera plays huge role too! haha..
Yeah Dani, it IS really yummy and healthy! wish u were there hor π Yani? Aiyoh, if she my gf then I think I fat like bola edi lar, she cooks good food! so guys out there, she’s single, available, hot and COOKS! what are u waiting for!!
So there is another “Chris(topher) Tock” in the world…Spooky.
Send me an email….
Hey Chris Tock! Man, that was weird ^^ I’ve always thought that the surname Tock was a unique one, until I found a few some few years ago… Which was why I couldn’t get for myself. Oh well, not so unique after all!
Shall send you an e-mail, it’s truly a “spooky” coincidence π
Can Yani be my best friend please????