Countdown, from less than a month. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Worry is gnawing at me, although I know it serves no purpose. I guess these are unescapable facts of life, you can either face it, or run away from it.
Beat it, Fear. There’s no room for you in this world of mine.
Oh by the way, check out my design for the Career’s Fair tag! It’s not too bad lah!

And here’s mine! π

And a note to all you guys who came from Stupid Stewie’s blog, I tell you, he purposely wanna kenakan me one! Grrrr… He says it’s a response on my embarrasing posts on him, but since many of you didn’t know him before, you wouldn’t have seen them. Here’s Post #1 and Post #2 about him. There’s a post #3, but for some reason I overwrote the file.. sigh! In it, he drew a dick on MSN though, damn cool wey! Oh well, there’ll be more, I promise you! ( ps – In that pic I only slept 2 hours for the past 2 days working on Careers Fair, so… yeah.. ughhh π )

And to his response on being single and whatever, just to let you know that at least I don’t go around pasting weird pictures like the one above π I thought of photoshopping it and putting Boss Stewie’s pic in it, but aiyah, I not so bad lar hor? π
Hello Will and Wan, what a Big Thingie you have!
As promised, the Phallus-like object I mentioned in my previous post! Isn’t it ADORABLE? Say hi to my colleagues, William and Wan!
The Glory of Eco-Pack Limited!
I know someone who’s addicted to this π
Pekabooo! Well then, this is gonna be a hard time for me, so please do wish me luck… I’m starting “Projek BerDuri-Tidur” which I will explain next time, since I am already running out of my “Masa-Internet”. Thank you for reading and bai-bai!
yetanotherps– Please don’t ask to add into my MSN, it’s only for my good friends =) Comment if you wanna “bersembang” lar, although I must add that I’m already “pinned” down *hinthint* π

Chris is mine!!! ALL MINE!!!!! whahahahaa π³

i tell u, this boss-stewie, he looks only su-boon but he damn cunning..last time i ask him to ask his rich and handsome frens to add my msn, he terus mia..kanasai
u look like fun, easy-going light hearted guy lor, so hope i can add ur msn to color up my msn:grin:
that boss-stewie ah, makes me feel so bad, desprated that is why i use anonymous, dun even dare to use my own nick…he is so mean to do until i feel so small had to use anonymous nick, u see la, he just look su-boon nia..:sad:
oh sorry..i didnt read ur latest entry b4 commenting..ok i wont add ur msn ler..i take it ur 1 chance had been used..everybody in my msn got 1 chance to be added we sembang here ler..:grin:
How to add my MSN without me giving you? O_o So hmmm how many people do you have in your msn? And more interestingly, how many people do you have online on average? I wanna knowww π
i’ve got over 100++ boys on my msn, but they are all useless..they are either younger den me or married mans…even tho i dun online to empty msn but i feel lonely also..haiz..poor me..:cry:
or u can ask ur handsome and rich frens to add me to make my online times brigther..can or not:grin:
Ugh, only got Boss Stewie for u π And by the way guys, sorry yeah I’m on MSN Hiatus Mode!
Despite the sleep deprivation you still look good π
So now it comes to sympathy-words… Sigh Boss Stewie is soooo gonna get it =_=;
But thanks anyway Emily π
Believe me it’s not sympathy at all, the first thought when I saw your photo was “Wow, very good looking!” π³
But then I came here and the first post I saw was the name post, so much for a first impression π
Eh that one i found from another site! Mana tahu their comments sooooooooooo perasan la! I also malu but put up lo fun wut π π³