… seems to be my biggest problem!! I need to concentrate!! By the way, did anyone notice that the BloG’s purpose here is not for other people to read, more like for me to talk to myself hehe… It’s true! Sometimes I come back here re-reading what I posted up and then start to criticise myself and talk to it for a moment.
… Ok, part of that wasn’t true… I’m not that much of a nutcase ^_^;
Or maybe I am? Who says so?! Come on, I wanna hear your opinion damnit!

Just missin’ my dog: and what better picture to show you guyz then my dog lickin’ balls! Hell yeah!

i feel the same about my blog too! i think i’m the biggest fan and most loyal reader of my own blog 😛 hehe. it’s therapeutic, what can i say.
Well that’s the whole problem really 😐 I don’t really mind but there are really some things that should be kept hidden and only known by a special few 😳
the problem is, with a blog you can’t be too honest because everyone can read what you write… so if it’s _purely_ self therapeutic, it’s better to keep a diary. I guess blogs are partly therapy, partly a way to keep people informed about your lack of (in)sanity…