Surveying the place before camp night
Making sure my area isn’t booked by fellow members
Victory sign before sleeping: 1.00am
View from my place. Several drunks + car music kept me awake
Wanna say something?

Surveying the place before camp night
Making sure my area isn’t booked by fellow members
Victory sign before sleeping: 1.00am
View from my place. Several drunks + car music kept me awake
wart a good experience b4 term begin. we are proud of you. I have not camp alone b4, count me out.
this is very cool. 😯
Kat, I learned this from u: photography blog. Everyone, introducing my inspirer, the Kat herself! 😎
eh? no work isit?
We are mad, not only individually, but nationally. We check manslaughter and isolated murders; but what of war and the much vaunted crime of slaughtering whole peoples? by texas holdem
[…] accomplishments, entertain my friends on certain events that most find quirky (see post on Camping in London ) and even to speak of people who’ve helped me like this one. It is very diff […]
[…] I won’t be surprised if my friends already know that I’m quite an ambitious lad despite my seemingly alarming lazy nature. I vowed to myself one day when I’m free, I have to list down every single accomplishment no matter how small they are, so that I can visibly acknowledge my quest for achievement, which incidently is what this blog is all about in the first place. Stay tuned =) […]
Nunihuia! and-here