I’ve decided to show the world the current condition of The Eye, in hope of gathering donations
necessary for Optical Operation. Please donate 5 pounds as if I have as many hits averaging about 3 per day,
I’ll probably get 15 pounds per day, which makes about 105 pounds per week! Wait, maybe
people will get generous on the weekends, so let’s give it about 120 pounds in total per week!
Which means in one month, I’ll have 480 pounds! In a year, 5760 pounds!
It’ll probably take a few years to have enough money for the operation ^^;
Okaaay, already. I’m really serious now.
I’m seriously quite worried about my eyes. I do not know what effects it will have on me in the future.
I kind of know what is causing it… but, it simply not feasible!!!
For one, I can’t sacrifice work! It’s my money source, and money is important!! I need my weekly sushi buffet you know?
And then, I can’t sacrifice studying!! I mean, I’ve been failing and all, I just can’t expect to ditch studying just for this eye thingie!
Another is sleeping & rest… You know I can’t do it.. If there’s something to do, I have to do it. No sleep or rest for me.
I simply can’t ditch my responsibility!! I asked for it, I earned the post, and now I have to simply continue doing my job!
About improper diet…. Well, I AM trying to save money here, aren’t I?!
Obviously won’t sacrifice my computer. Na-ah. Can’t live without them!
So that’s about it. Ha. What’s a red eye to me? It’s not itching, it’s not burning. Only thing it’s doing is making me feel tired and light headed at times. Nothing to it. I am, after all, THE Christopher Tock hahaha!! 😀

i honestly thinku have no work to do….got time to take picture some more~! My goodIness! Tock, why you talk cock>?

Dude the thing that is affecting your eyes is lack of sleep. And wha~!..u said u’ve been studying?….lol:lol:
did u come all the way to UK to study or work?