Alamanda’s A Callin’ – Part 2: The Rock Climbing

After our sumptious breakfast and shopping session, we then headed to the Putrajaya Challenge Park at Precinct 5 for a rock climbing session at Putra Climb where we sweated it out with a morning workout. The Putra Climb is currently the largest indoor climbing gym in Asia which had been recently opened and charges really reasonable fee for equipment rental! Just to show you how excited we were…


So excited that some of us did the smashpOp jump ie MynJayz (muka fail :p), smashpOp and JonYKT himself !(all who’s blogs recently got featured in theStar2!)


The walls were super daunting, but that also depends on what level you are able to do. For instance, Purple is pretty difficult compared to the white one


The instructor will be there to give you a set of rules.. which consists of two rules really. Yes, contrary to popular belief, rock climbing is so easy that you don’t even need a license to do it!


Here you can see Honey Madu from and Belinda Chee being sporty enough to sign up. It’s going to be one hell of a time 😉


Rebecca and Bangsar-Babe all looking good before the climb, as though as they didn’t think it’ll get sweaty and all that shit. Aih, girls will be girls :p


Here’s how you climb the wall, and it took Leonard a pretty good while to reach there haha!


Here’s how you DON’T climb the wall. Rames, stop fondling Leo la :p


All of us at the top. We’re HEROES!! (and who thought I couldn’t climb cos I was fat? BOOYAH TO YOU!


All acting cool wtf.


All except for Leonard. Wei, can you look more manly or not? HAHHAHHAHAH!~

Apart from Putraclimb you can also visit the Skate Park, MTB tracks and the Dirt Jump with your BMX bikes.. so many to choose from!
More information here: You can find your way using the map here:

Sunday – Thurday : 10am – 8pm
Friday – Saturday: 10am – 10pm

I guarantee you an awesomely sweet time 😉

Coming Up Next
The Buffet Spread @ Pullman Hotel


Awesome buffet spread at Pullman Hotel, and a view of the lake from the hotel rooms.. Wicked ;D

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He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.

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